


We transform original recorded music into high quality, endlessly varying remixes that retain artists’ unique musical fingerprint at scale.

We transform original recorded music into high quality, endlessly varying remixes that retain artists’ unique musical fingerprint at scale.

We transform original recorded music into high quality, endlessly varying remixes that retain artists’ unique musical fingerprint at scale.


Choose your context

Our technology can transform individual tracks, groups of tracks, and albums into a variety of remixes. Consider what you'd like to use your remixes for.

Short-form remixes

More traditional song length. For socials, NFTs, fan giveaways

Long-form remixes

10+ minutes in length. For uninterrupted or immersive streaming experiences


Fit your music to purpose

Create remixes that stay true to the style and purpose of the original recordings, or work with us to fine tune your music to specific purposes or moods.

Remix for activity

Walking, running, yoga, sleep, relaxation, etc

Remix by genre

From heavy metal to ambient to Christmas to Latin

Create soundscapes

Add in environmental sounds that take listeners places


Choose a delivery method

Create your next album or reconfigured song or mashup or whatever. whether its a full album, a track, or a mashup, we can take and transform your music into something limitless

Static tracks

Upload high-quality audio .WAV files to DSPs or your own channels

Live, user-generated remixes

Determine parameters for fans to experiment with, then put the music in their hands

Real-time adaptivity

Create music that can respond to inputs like location, weather, or heart rate

Book a demo

We are working together with artists, labels and distributors to understand the best ways for our technology platform to serve the creators, musicians and artists and the industry supporting them.